Symposium de chirugie Cardiaque

Modern Surgery in a changing Medical World (Prof. Dr Serghei Cebotari, Dr Arnaud Charpentier)

L’institut et le groupe des médecins de l’institut ont le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue d’un symposium chirurgical à l’occasion du renouvellement de son équipe chirurgicale.
Le 7 octobre 2024 à 16:00

à l’amphithéâtre du CHL centre,


16.00-17.30 Session 1

17.50-19.30 Session 2

Cardiac Surgery in a Changing Medical World

Moderators: Dr S. Cebotari, Dr C. Banu

1. Pr S. Cebotari, MD (Luxembourg)


2. Pr A. Haverich, MD (Hannover)

Why should surgeons be motivated by research ?

3. Pr M. Okita, MD (Osaka)

The history of aortic surgery

4.  D. Mungunshimeg, S. Nyamsuren, MDs (Oulan-Bator)

Improving cardiac surgery care in developing countries.

5. A. Charpentier, MD (Luxembourg)

Highly specialized medical-surgical institution for a modern healthcare system.

Challenges in Modern Surgery

Moderators: Dr A. Charpentier, Dr M. Goergen

6. Pr P. Compagnon, MD (Geneva)

Liver Transplantation: Current and Future Challenges

7. Pr K. Minatoya, MD (Kyoto)

Treatment of Aortic Diseases – Is There Still Room for Complex Surgeries in the Endovascular Era?

8. Pr D. Taggart, MD (Oxford)

State of the Art of Coronary Revascularisation

9. P. Billaud, MD (Strasbourg)

Congenital and Acquired Reconstructive Cardiac Surgery

Closing Address Pr C. Braun, MD, Président du CA INCCI

Inscriptions :

Nos sponsors

Modern Surgery in a changing Medical World (Prof. Dr Serghei Cebotari, Dr Arnaud Charpentier)

L’institut et le groupe des médecins de l’institut ont le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue d’un symposium chirurgical à l’occasion du renouvellement de son équipe chirurgicale.
Le 7 octobre 2024 à 16:00

à l’amphithéâtre du CHL centre,


16.00-17.30 Session 1

17.50-19.30 Session 2

Cardiac Surgery in a Changing Medical World

Moderators: Dr S. Cebotari, Dr C. Banu

1. Pr S. Cebotari, MD (Luxembourg)


2. Pr A. Haverich, MD (Hannover)

Why should surgeons be motivated by research ?

3. Pr M. Okita, MD (Osaka)

The history of aortic surgery

4.  D. Mungunshimeg, S. Nyamsuren, MDs (Oulan-Bator)

Improving cardiac surgery care in developing countries.

5. A. Charpentier, MD (Luxembourg)

Highly specialized medical-surgical institution for a modern healthcare system.

Challenges in Modern Surgery

Moderators: Dr A. Charpentier, Dr M. Goergen

6. Pr P. Compagnon, MD (Geneva)

Liver Transplantation: Current and Future Challenges

7. Pr K. Minatoya, MD (Kyoto)

Treatment of Aortic Diseases – Is There Still Room for Complex Surgeries in the Endovascular Era?

8. Pr D. Taggart, MD (Oxford)

State of the Art of Coronary Revascularisation

9. P. Billaud, MD (Strasbourg)

Congenital and Acquired Reconstructive Cardiac Surgery

Closing Address Pr C. Braun, MD, Président du CA INCCI

Inscriptions :

Nos sponsors